Play Therapy

“ Toys are children’s words and play is their language”

Gary L.Landreth

What is Play Therapy?

It is an opportunity for children to ‘play out’ their feelings. Play is a natural medium of self expression, and is essential for development. Through this therapeutic play, we are helping children with behavioural and emotional problems to help themselves.

The benefits of play are endless. Some of these benefits are that it encourages confidence and concentration. It allows children to learn, fosters imagination, and helps children to make friends and learn about their ever-expanding world. It allows children learn from mistakes safely.

The play therapist’s role is to accept the child as they are, and create a warm and friendly relationship, in which the child leads, and the therapist follows. Few limits are set, but there are as many boundaries as necessary in place. During the session the therapist uses play as the natural means of communication.